Our Mission:
The Arts Council continues to offer financial assistance to groups and individuals within the Borough for artistic pursuits.
Registered Charity 286681
How can we help you?
We welcome applications for our Grants and Bursary schemes particularly on behalf of young students.
Our Aims
As well as offering financial support we aim to stimulate and encourage the creative arts and develop their appreciation amongst residents throughout the Borough of Surrey Heath. Through facilitating various events we endeavour to show the local community the wealth of talent which exists in the Borough and seeks to improve communication and awareness between interested individuals and groups.
Grants and Bursaries
Our two schemes are
Grant Aid
Assistance to non-professional local & groups
This is a small grants scheme funded by an annual grant from Surrey Heath Borough Council.
Examples of eligible applications might include:
- Summer school fees
- A grant towards equipment
- Assistance in mounting a particular group project.
Bursary Fund
Inspired by James Winterbottom and set up under the aegis of the Surrey Heath Arts Council.
Awards are paid from the interest earned on capital donated to the fund. They are available to Surrey Heath residents who are preparing for or pursuing a career in the arts. Grants may assist with:
- course fees.
- purchase or maintenance of equipment.
- subsistence while training.
Case Studies
Many people have benefited from a grant or bursary provided by the Arts Council: whether for assistance with course fees, purchase of instruments or equipment, we may be able to help.
Youth Theatre School
A grant helped a local student attend a National Youth Theatre Summer School at the Laban Centre, London.
Besides the in-depth acting tuition provided, she learned something of stage combat , movement and vocal training. Stress was laid on “'how to act, not acting how to act”.
She described this opportunity as “the most amazing time … the best thing I have ever done – thank you so much!”.
The experience has confirmed her resolution to pursue an acting career and she intends to audition for drama schools across the country next year.
Music Teacher Training
A music teacher in Camberley received a grant towards a week-long "master class" to improve her training skills.
She covered many aspects of flute playing including posture, vibrato and breathing as well as performance tips. Also on the course, each of the teachers tutored an ensemble group of students over several sessions, then each group performed to the other course participants.
Camera Club Exhibition
A camera club was given a grant toward the purchase of display screens, for use in exhibitions of members work.
"When the Arts Council very kindly granted us the funds to purchase frames in which to display our photographs at the Surrey Heath Museum, we promised to provide you with some feedback on the outcome of the project which is an exhibition of new photographs based upon the theme “Surrey Heath Old & New”.
With our grant we were able to purchase sixty glass fronted frames, sufficient to fill the walls of the museum, in which we displayed a broad range of images depicting varying aspects of “Old & New” within our Borough.
School Trip
Cross Farm school received assistance with the cost of coach fare to the the National Gallery
Dance Instruction
Two students from Kings International school received help with funding for dance instruction
Drama Funding
Surrey Heath Theatre group received help with funding for drama
Travel Costs
A student from Tomlinscote was given a bursary towards travelling costs to her course in Kingston and Ealing.
"I was studying for a National Diploma in Theatre and production Arts, at Kingston college, and part of the course was based at the Questor's theatre in Ealing. There was a lot of travelling (both on the train and in Dad's taxi) but when the group took the production to the Minac theatre in Cornwall, and then to Slovenia I was able to go along. I'm now working full time at G-Live in Guildford as a technician. Thanks Arts Council!"
Part-funded Korean Trip
"I used my James Winterbottom bursary to part fund a trip with my department, Innovation Design Engineering at the Royal College of Art, to South Korea. The aim of the three week project was to increase social connection between Seoul and its inhabitants, while reviving a sense of "Korean-ness" and cultural identity. The project was extremely worthwhile and enjoyable, and I would once again like to thank the Surrey Heath Arts Council for their kind donation towards the project."
- Contact Us
Please send an email to surreyheathartscouncil@gmail.com if you are considering applying for a Grant or Bursary or for any further enquiries
Bursary Fund Application
Please send an email to surreyheathartscouncil@gmail.com if you are considering applying for a Grant or Bursary or for any further enquiries
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